women's ministry

Women's Retreat 2024 Welcomes More Than 200

More than 215 women gathered for the Annual St. Peter’s Women’s Retreat at the cathedral on Friday, 16 February and Saturday, 17 February. 

Jodie Berndt speaks Friday evening.

The speaker was Jodie Berndt, the bestselling author of the Praying the Scriptures series, which includes volumes for Children, Teens, Adult Children, Life, and Marriage. A popular speaker and Bible teacher, Jodie has been featured on many national media outlets, including Focus on the Family, Fox News, and a variety of marriage and family-oriented podcasts.

She spoke on the topics of being Anchored in the Word, Anchored in Prayer, and Anchored in Hope.  

Jaimi Wacksman (left), presents a silver platter to Jane Harding in recognition of her faithful service and devotion to the Lord and the Church. Jane was accompanied by her husband, Major, and daughter, Alice Sanderson.

Additionally, on Saturday, the Women’s Ministry Council of St. Peter’s honored Jane Harding with the presentation of a silver platter and announced the creation of the Jane Harding Award.

The Silver Platter presented to Jane Harding; and the newly created Jane Harding Award, to be presented annually to a woman of St. Peter’s.

The award, named in honor of Jane Harding, who founded the Women’s Ministry Council, will be presented annually to a woman of St. Peter’s who exhibits exceptionally faithful service and discipleship within the women of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral. The award has the following inscription:

The Jane Harding Award
Given in honor of faithful service and discipling to the women of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral.
Philippians 4:6

The Silver Platter is engraved with the following:

A Life Dedicated to the Lord and her church
Jane Harding
Founder, Women’s Ministry Council
St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral
Presented 2024
Philippians 4:6

Philippians 4:6 reads:  “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Over 200 Women Gather At St. Peter's For Women's Mini-Retreat With Susan Yates

More than 200 women gathered at the Cathedral last Friday evening and Saturday morning into the afternoon for worship, prayer, fellowship, and teaching. Renowned speaker and author, Susan Alexander Yates gave those in attendance ‘Eight Keys to Discovering Our Generous God.’

The Women’s Ministry Council worked tirelessly in planning this wonderful retreat, adorning the Cathedral with beautiful camellias, table settings, and refreshments!

Enjoy some photos below and follow the links below to hear Susan Yates’ talks and see more photos from the weekend!