An Invitation to the Weak

By Michael Thompson, Partnered Evangelism Core Captain

Just over six months ago, I met with one of our Clergy for the Reconciliation of Penitents (BCP 2019 p225). I had been struggling with my brokenness and sin and felt weak and unworthy as a Christian man. I confessed the worst of all I've ever done and remember hearing the words, "Your sins are forgiven, brother. You are Reconciled."

I received penance, reestablishing right relationship with God, and from there was led into a program where I've been walking with the Lord and allowing Him to heal my childhood traumas and the wounds of my sin. You're probably asking what this has to do with Missions and Evangelism. The answer is weakness. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, the Lord says to Paul"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I can testify that God is faithful to work mightily within us when we accept our weakness and surrender it to Him.

In Paul's second letter to the Corinthians and his letters to the Thessalonians, God's power bursts through as he embraces and accepts his weakness and suffering, entrusting his innermost being to the Lord. I believe this is, in part, a fundamental reason why and how Paul's Church planting, missions, and evangelism spread Christianity like wildfire throughout the world.

To know God, to know ourselves, and to know others, we must get outside ourselves. We do this by surrendering our right to live according to our self-will and accepting our weakness in light of God's grace, as Paul did, and finding a way to help others. We accept our weakness by asking Jesus Christ to bear our fears, temptations, and sin for us. When we do this, His power is made perfect in our weakness, and acts of love, encouragement, and service flow from within us. Paul did that and the Church was established; people received the Gospel, and so here we are today, praise God! What if you are tired and overwhelmed? Becoming a part of the Missions & Evangelism fellowship and service might be the answer.

I want to invite you to plug into our community, prayer, fellowship, and dynamic ministry opportunities. The Partnered Evangelism ministry opportunities below are God’s work. He is calling between 12-16 men and women to come and experience Him in a new and deeper way. Each of these ministries needs you to help proclaim Jesus to others and we do it in partnership with our ministry partners.

  • Feed My Lambs | Food distribution ministry providing nutrition to at-risk children kindergarten through high school. Ministry partnership with Crossroads Charter Academy in Quincy, FL.

  • Greater Love Church & St. Peter’s Food Distribution and Evangelism Ministry | One Saturday per month we will serve alongside the Greater Love congregation in South Tallahassee to provide food, prayer, and fellowship with the surrounding community as well as establish new friendships with parishioners at Greater Love Church.

  • New Destiny Church in Quincy FL | Upcoming Ministry Opportunities:

    • Hallelujah Night (October 2022):  Games, food and fellowship with New Destiny congregation and their surrounding community. Bring your family!

    • Boxes of Love (November 2022): Work together with New Destiny congregation to provide Thanksgiving Dinner and food distribution.

    • Christmas on the Courts (December 2022): Family activities, food, games, and basketball fun with the New Destiny congregation and surrounding community.

For more information, please contact Michael Thompson or visit for more details.