
Blessing of the Animals

St. Peter’s held a ‘Blessing of the Animals’ in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, on Sunday, 3 October. The feast day of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals is 4 October.

Why do we bless animals on or around the feast day of St. Francis?

St. Francis of Assisi was born into a wealthy Italian family in the 12th century. Upon his dramatic conversion to true Christianity, he renounced all of his worldly possessions and lived very simply. When Francis spoke, everyone listened, including the animals. He told the animals that Jesus loved them too. A story is told of a wolf who lived outside the town of Gubbio. The wolf came into the town each evening, frightening the inhabitants and eating their sheep. Francis went to speak to “Brother Wolf” and found that the wolf was hungry. Francis pleaded with the townsfolk to feed the wolf, who then became so tame that the children rode on his back. Early legends speak of birds and beasts being charmed by Francis’ gentle ways and entering into loving companionship with him. Francis also brought us the Christmas creche. In Gubbio, he built a small outdoor stable and asked townsfolk to portray the Holy Family, the shepherds, and the angels. Then he added the cow, donkey, sheep, and other animals. When asked why he had done so, Francis replied, “Surely the animals praised the new Messiah just as the shepherds and angels did.” And so, in honor of this blessed saint of the church, we gather today with our animals to give thanks for what they do for us and what they mean to us.

Collect for the feast of St. Francis

Most high, omnipotent, good Lord, grant your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis, we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfectness of joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Chorister Camp 2021

Last week, 40 children and youth participated in St. Peter’s K-12 Chorister Camp! Each day began by helping to lead Morning Prayer, followed by activities covering team building, choir rehearsal, snack, score reading, choral blend, and the basics of Anglican worship.

On Wednesday, two inflatable water slides were set up as a fun activity in the middle of the week!

Chorister Camp’s purpose was to prepare the choristers for a year of leading Evensong by getting a head start on learning music, getting to know each other, working on their choral sound, and ultimately learning what it is that we do functionally in a Service of Evensong that makes it so unique.

The week concluded in a Service of Evensong led by the choristers and attended by parents, grandparents, friends, and other family.

This fall, the choristers will be leading Evensong at St. Peter’s Cathedral once a month on the following dates:
September 19 – Middle & High School Choristers
October 17 – All Choristers
November 21 – Middle & High School Choristers
December 19 – All Choristers

Choristers rehearse on Wednesdays beginning September 8. If your child is interested in joining choristers, contact Debbie Garven!

The Ordination of Fr. Wesley Owens

On Saturday, 24 July 2021, The Rev. Wesley Paul Owens was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests by The Right Reverend Neil G. Lebhar of The Gulf Atlantic Diocese on behalf of The Right Reverend John A. M. Guernsey of The Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Tallahassee, Florida. The Rev. Dr. Michael Petty, Canon for Adult Formation and Co-Director of The Charles Simeon Institute, delivered the sermon.

Fr. Wesley currently serves as Curate for St. Peter’s Cathedral through the Charles Simeon Institute and will continue in this role through the summer of next year. He celebrated the Eucharist for the first time on Sunday, 25 July at the 9:00am service.

Please join us in congratulating the newly ordained–Fr. Wesley Owens!

Special thanks to Meredith Russell for photographing Fr. Wesley’s Ordination Service.

Summer Fellow, Collin Flake is Preaching This Sunday!

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Collin Flake, one of our Charles Simeon Institute Summer Fellows will be preaching at the 9am and 11:15am services this Sunday, July 18th!

Collin grew up in Concord, GA—a small town of a few hundred people. He attended Wheaton College, where he studied philosophy and Bible/Theology with a certificate in Human Needs and Global Resources (HNGR). Collin is a third year seminarian at Duke Divinity School. Upon graduation, he hopes to work at the intersection of the Church, faith-based non-profit work, and residential Christian community. He enjoys hiking, board games, and reading good books.