St. Peter's Artisans June Devotional

Time For A Reset

by Christie Grant

The month of May is over, and many feel the impact of the past month. I heard it called “Maycember.” It felt like a marathon of sprints from first communion to a piano, ballet, and Shakespeare performances, entertaining family who came to town, the excitement (and relief) of a graduation ceremony, putting on a party to celebrate, the grief of one season ending, the excitement for summer plans, not to mention work demands for meetings and never-ending deadlines. It leaves one exhausted and ready for a reset! But now June has arrived, and it is a time to take a deep breath and find rest, restoration and to ground yourself once again.

One of my favorite places to go for that reset is St. Mark’s Wildlife Refuge. Beginning at the drive from Tallahassee to the park, to when the park ranger greets you and you wind your way under the oak canopy to the nature center, to the staccato of the sun peppering you with shadow and light through the tall stately pine forest before breaking out into the sunlight where the sprawling lush saltwater flats open to the wide endless sky, to the first view of the lighthouse - I feel my soul transform. Little by little and moment by moment, the tension leaves and the magnificence of God’s creation on this little stretch of coastline helps me to reset, take a deep breath and worship the Creator, God of the universe. I once again become small. I breathe in the Glory of God. My senses come to life again through the sun and wind in my face, the smell of gulf in the air, the rustling of the palm trees, the lapping of the water and the sand in between my toes, and my spirit finds restoration. I rest.

Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! - Ps 46:10

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell me of your might acts.
The speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty –
And I will meditate on your wonderful works.
They tell of the power of your awesome works-
And I will proclaim you great deeds. - Psalm 145:3-6

Christie Grant is the artist behind Larks and Lines. She is married to John and they have two grown sons and one daughter-in-love.