Human Trafficking Core

St. Peter's Hosts First Christians Against Trafficking Summit

St. Peter’s Cathedral hosted the first annual Christians Against Trafficking Summit Friday, 15 October & Saturday, 16 October. Over 300 individuals representing 31 different area churches of various denominations attended the Summit. The Summit welcomed Gwen Adams as keynote speaker. Photos from the weekend and the recorded keynote sessions may be viewed below.

About the Summit

Human trafficking, also known as modern-day slavery, is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts. The coercion can be subtle or overt, physical or psychological. Sadly, the victims are often children. Although there is no defining characteristic that all human trafficking victims share, traffickers frequently prey on individuals who are poor, vulnerable, living in an unsafe or unstable situation, or are in search of a better life. Trafficking victims are deceived by false promises of love, a good job, or a stable life and are lured or forced into situations where they are made to work under deplorable conditions with little or no pay. These horrors are happening frequently within the Big Bend Region. With Tallahassee and surrounding towns and cities being located off of I-10, traffickers live and operate within our own neighborhoods. Law enforcement, State Attorney Jack Campbell and his team, and local non-profits have done an exceptional job in working to pursue these crimes. However, each has indicated a desperate need to better engage the community at large in joining this fight. As we know, God calls His Church to stand strong against the evils of this world. The Christians Against Trafficking Summit was designed to bring our community together to learn more about the horrors of trafficking in our own community and to explore how we can best join in the work to eradicate trafficking together.

October Is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

During the month of October, St. Peter’s will be focusing on the Missions & Evangelism Core to end Human Trafficking. There are many ways you can join in the fight! To start, mark your calendars to attend the Christians Against Trafficking Summit on Friday, 15 October & Saturday, 16 October to learn ways we can bring an end to this horrific crime happening right here in the Tallahassee community. Register online at

 Another way to join in the work is to support one of our ministry partners, AngelWingz, by picking up a few items from the needs list below and dropping them off in the basket in the Cathedral Narthex throughout the month of October.

 You can also volunteer your time at AngelWingz to help support the women and children who have experienced abuse and human trafficking. Whether it’s cooking dinner at the home (or bringing dinner and eating there), spending time playing or reading books with the kids, or even helping with resumé writing and job placement skills, there are endless ways you can be involved!

Please contact Julie Dombroski, Human Trafficking Core Captain at: for more information.

AngelWingz Needs List:

Sinus and cold medications
Scrubber kitchen sponges
Dishwasher detergent
Lysol spray
Coffee & dry creamer (any flavor)
Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner
Clean Shower Cleaner
Socks and footies
Fleece throws
Publix/Walmart gift cards

Liquid hand soap
Paper towels
Liquid shower soap
Feminine products
Styrofoam cups
Hand sanitizer
Styrofoam to go containers
Brita water filters
Pain Medications
Essential oils (Lavender)
Stuffed animals

Youth Missions Week 2021

Thirty-four of our middle and high school students participated in a Spirit-filled missions and evangelism week.  After enjoying a special lunch prepared by the faithful hands of the women from Mary & Martha Guild, the youth embarked into the mission field as they provided a two day festival to the children living in the Joe Louis project, built a chicken coop with men from St. Peter’s and those in the reentry program at the Good Samaritan Chapel, moved tons of items from the Belly Boutique at A Women’s Pregnancy Center, and helped construct a new flower bed and outdoor patio for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking at Angel Wingz and Chelsea House.  They then returned to St. Peter's for a special dinner speaker each night that shared about Christ’s work in bringing hope to people faced with poverty, imprisonment, trafficking, and unexpected pregnancies.  Through this unique experience, both to share the Gospel in their daily work and to be challenged and transformed by others in these ongoing critical ministries, our students truly experienced God. 

We want to extend a special thanks to all those at St. Peter’s who contributed to this special week. 

In His Love, Bill+


World Mission Sunday at St. Peter's

World Mission Sunday at St. Peter's

The Lord richly blessed a joyous World Missions Weekend. We had dozens of our youth take part in a special day with Christopher Quinones from Love For The Least, a ministry sharing the Gospel in the refugee camps of Northern Iraq on Saturday. We then learned from more than twenty five incredible evangelistic ministries who highlighted their work in our community and in the world at large at an energizing ministry fair after each of our services.

Our parishioners pledged to become part of work in such areas as prison, human trafficking, evangelistic outreach, life, under-resourced, and campus efforts to love people in their pain and to share the life-redeeming power of Jesus Christ. A new and exciting missional spirit is truly sweeping through St. Peter’s Anglican Church. We hope that you might join us in boldly proclaiming the Gospel in both Word & deed…

World Mission Sunday.jpg